Weeks start taking a better direction each Tuesday and Thursday this fall when I can watch my kid play soccer.
His team is undefeated after three games. He starts and plays the whole game -- a Freshman's dream.
I'd write more but Blogger is screwed up tonight. Technical problems...
(Later) Okay, I'm back.
My sliced finger is recovering, and doesn't seem to be infected with potato toxin. It's not rotting away.
One things raising kids does for you is to add a bit of perspective about how short our time here is, how vulnerable we all are, and how important it is to enjoy each day.
But you don't have to be a parent to gain this perspective; many other life experiences bring similar wisdom. Helping people who really desperately need your help can bring it.
Being emotionally honest with those closest to you can bring it.
Playing sports, winning or losing, can bring it.
Being willing to take chances, at any age, can bring it.
Taking artistic risks can bring it.
Just connecting with somebody else can bring it.
As I watched my son play this game today, I began to realize just how talented he actually is, which is a terrible thing to admit, but I always try to keep expectations low. And that's how he is, too. But we both now know he is a potential star for years to come.
Others have been telling me this for years. Other parents, coaches, friends. As I watched him take on older kids and strip the ball from them again and again, I could finally see what others see.
He is a star.
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