Thursday, January 07, 2010

Today, and the Next One

(My oldest son and youngest grandson.)

Back in the "real world" the past couple of days, I've been reeling. When was the last time you checked out of the world for four weeks? No news programs, no TV at all, no meetings or lectures; no driving a car, or shopping for groceries; none of the regular things.

It is invariably a shock to rejoin the normal routines after such a hiatus. I suddenly sympathize with the prisoner who is released, or the astronaut who returns.

It was not such a long time, but long enough for me to have forgotten how many decisions, large and small, have to be made in the average day. Maybe that explains my profound tiredness; that, and a sense that I'd like to change my life going forward.

For health reasons, I must change certain things about my diet and lifestyle, and I shall do so, easily. My restrictions are minor compared to those who have much more serious problems, and common-sense in any event.

But for emotional and spiritual reasons, I need to live in a new manner.

More about that in the posts to come.



Anjuli said...

what a wonderful picture of your son and your grandson! You can see the joy in the picture.

Change is good- especially if it leads to positive things.

Anonymous said...

You can do it, for all those who love you and especially for yourself!!
Our love and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I have some of that disorientation every time we move between MI and AZ and it takes me at least a week to 10 days to get my head on straight again. Seems to be really bad this year. Could be having 17 people and 2 dogs with us for a week and then coming to our little house in AZ was too big a change but I'll take it over being in the ice and snow. N