Friday, January 08, 2010

What's To Come

The holidays fade away, and the New Year proceeds. I need to earn money.

Tomorrow, my youngest son takes the city-wide exam that will determine whether he gets into the high school of his choice next September.

He seems calm tonight, confident in his ability. But only a tiny percentage of students get admitted to this school; not only do they need all A's, but very high test scores and other attributes.

He's studied the requirements and knows being accepted is within his grasp. My only advice is to get a good night's sleep.

Every week brings a new challenge for at least one member of my family. Everyone is actively pursuing their next goal; we are not people to sit still for long.

Me? My goal is to earn more money. I'm the financial engine behind my family, and I was laid off from my last job exactly a year ago today.

This year I have to fix things. My health is returning, my energy will follow, so there will be no excuse for anything but success.



Anjuli said...

I didn't know there was a city wide exam which needed to be taken to get into high schools in the United States. Is this something just for California?

Wishing you many good things for the year ahead (and the years beyond this year). New hope.

David Weir said...

Only for the top school, Lowell, which accepts kids only on the basis of merit.