Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How Many Special Things Happen in a Lifetime?

Here is a link to my oldest son Peter's work on how fruit flies use sunlight to navigate. The only time I (and a friend) visited his lab at Cal Tech is one of my fondest memories.

It is illustrated by my youngest daughter Julia's work on an iPad.

Seeing his research in print is an amazing honor for me, as his Dad. He is not only a talented scientist, but a fine writer. Most important of all, his work matters.

And so does his little sister's. She is trying to establish her voice as an artist.


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

wow this was indeed fascinating!! Your son's research is very intriguing- I especially liked the last bit (although not to do with his actual research- but an interesting fact) about the amount of neurons we have as humans (compared to fruit flies)-- and because of who I am, I am going to use this in a sermon- in regards to allowing LIGHT to give us our bearings- what a GREAT illustration this is!!

As for your daughter's art- this is absolutely amazing-- and she did this on the IPAD!!! WOW! She has a definite talent.