Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I got a card today, one wish from one very special person, aged 13. Which confirms my recent posts about what love is all about. A daughter is so much more loving, in an enduring way, than any romantic partner.

I have reached an age where I reject all notions of romantic love, based on my experiences in life. I just can't believe in it anymore. It makes nice movies, it fuels novels, and songwriters like to pretend it exists, but it is a total and complete lie.

Romantic love does not exist, in my view. There is nothing enduring about it, at least in our age and in my culture.

But the one type of love we can count on is that from our children. They know how we feel about them, and they return those feelings, even as we grow old, ugly, and increasingly absent-minded, confused, and slow of step and mind.


1 comment:

Anjuli said...

what a special tribute your daughter gave you today w/ her valentine's day greeting. You are right- the love of a family (children) is priceless.

I will stop my comment here...but I think you know I want to say more.