Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Tuesday Bluesday

You know, this new blogging interface really sucks, so I hope Blogger fixes it soon. I apologize to anyone who stops by for all of the run-on sentences. I take great pride in choosing where my paragraphs begin and end, but Google clearly does not. Whatever, this was a good day, all things considered. As I watered the plants in our garden, I noticed all of the bumblebees caressing the herbs. And, so sadly, several immature green plums dropped before their time by yesterday's high winds. Like on all Tuesdays, I spent around five hours driving my kids around the city or helping them with homework, rides or dinner. We have our rituals, also. My youngest son is getting rather good at cooking pasta. We all like it just barely coated with red sauce. You could call it orange, then laced with shredded Parmesan. This was not really a Blue Tuesday. This was an Okay Tuesday.



Anjuli said...

am glad you enjoyed a good Tuesday! I loved the line about the bumble bees-- I love your words.

TygeOD said...

The website I did for my Dad's photos (which is on blogger) seems to be acting fine. Maybe double check your writing task bar, and if nothing else, switch from visual to HTML and add
and/or to get breaks between your sentences. Just a thought.

David Weir said...

Thank you so much for visiting and commenting,, Anjuli and Tyge. You were right about how to fix the format, Tyge.
