Monday, July 22, 2019

A Sad Loss

Julia and Aidan told me yesterday that Brisdell Hunte passed on last month when I was ill. Brisdell was the wife of Chris Doyle and the mother of Eva and Ian. Eva played on Julia's soccer team and was a classmate at Synergy.

For one special year, Aidan was the girls' soccer coach. One girl never showed up for practice. As he had been taught by his coaches he rarely played her in games.

When the girl's father berated Aidan for this at a game, Brisdell came up afterward and told Aidan, "Don't worry about him. Keep doing what you're doing."

Brisdell, like me, was a worrier about our kids. When someone was assaulting young women and girls in the 24th Street area (near Synergy), Eva and Julia were just old enough to walk home after school.

Their family lived on one side of Bernal; Connie and our kids on the other.

Brisdell and I agreed to drive them home for a while due to the danger in the area. We also tooK turns driving them to soccer games and practices.

She was always a calm and special presence. A fellow parent and worrier. I miss her.


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