Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Family and Friends

Since we can't see each other in person, we need to develop effective new communication strategies during the coronavirus crisis. My own immediate family is divided into the four clusters where we were based when the shelter-in-place directive came down: two in San Francisco, one in San Jose, and one in El Cerrito.

If I have the numbers right, there are 20 of us, 13 adults and 7 children.

Six of the seven kids are studying from home; one is a toddler. Twelve of the adults are working from home; one is a retiree. As for age, two in our 70s, one in her 60s, three in their 40s, two in their 30s, and  five in their 20s.

We are holding up. As for communicating, Thank God (or rather the defense department) for the Internet! And cell phone technologies. Video conferences, especially for children, can be effective. For the Millennials, text messaging is best. Everyone else can choose those, plus email, social media, phone calls, or safe-distance in-person meetings.

More on this as we go forward. I'm converting this blog into a vehicle for experiences and ideas for people to use during this crisis, which may go on a long time.


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