Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Virus Among Us

There is a weather phenomenon known as the "atmospheric river." It occurs under certain weather conditions and results in a large amount of water circulating above us but rarely raining down here on earth's surface.

The virus is the opposite type of creature. It flows over the surface of the earth, spreading person to person to person and on and on. It was originally detected in China; three months later it has subsided enough that the country is cautiously reopening for business.

Roughly one quarter of the country's economy was destroyed in the process.

Now the virus has migrated to Europe. There, leaders are opting to expend massive amounts of government resources to incentivize people to self-quarantine and contain the spread. In most parts of Europe people have some freedom of movement.

Next the epicenter of this virus will be here, the U.S. It is unclear whether the leadership of this country is prepared to do what is necessary but there are some encouraging signs. The bi-partisan $2 trillion relief package is one.

Next the virus will probably turn south and invade Mexico, Central and South America. What is discouraging is that the leaders of the two biggest countries in that region -- Mexico and Brazil -- are so far denying that the danger is real. Just as Trump did initially here.

Based on China, it is reasonable to expect that every region's economy will lose at least one quarter of its profits this year. Millions are already out of work and millions more soon will be. Unemployment in the U.S. will perhaps rival that of the Great Depression.

This occurrence is of historic proportions. No amount of wishful thinking will avert it now.

It will take a long time to develop an effective vaccine. During that period, the virus will return.

My son-in-law, Loic Comolli, greatly aided me in this analysis.


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