Saturday, January 15, 2022

Danger From the Right


There are danger signals from a new poll from Hill Research Consultants indicating that a majority of Americans believe the country needs a “strong leader” to restore “traditional American values.”

A significant number would support throwing out democracy and installing Trump as that autocratic leader by armed force if necessary. But only a third believe that the election was “stolen.”

The problem our democracy faces is much deeper than the 2020 election outcome.

Ton Hogan, the author of an article summarizing the poll, draws the following additional conclusions:

  • Republican-controlled legislatures are working to disenfranchise as many of their opponents as they can. The Nazis never won a majority of the popular vote in an election, either, but once in office, they quickly solidified their power.

  • “Every autocrat needs an enemy of the people. For Hitler, it was the Jews, even though they were less than 1% of Germany's population. For Trump it starts with Muslims and Mexicans (even though the latter are nearly all Christians). Then there is the deep state and RINOs.”

  • “We have seen death threats against public officials and local school boards. All that is needed is the murder of one local official or school board member for the pool of candidates to go dry.”

  • “The right-wing obsession with school curricula, especially Critical Race Theory, which isn't actually taught in high school, is a clear indication of how they want to control education to breed the next generation of right-wing activists and voters.”

This is just the latest warning sign that our democracy is in danger. Every concerned citizen needs to pay attention to these disturbing trends and join efforts to combat them.

Thanks to Hans Siegel for alerting me to the above item.


A fascinating read is Oxford Academic’s article in (GIGA)Science about how well Wikipedia has covered the scientific aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The crowd-sourced encyclopedia successfully warded off the waves of misinformation prevalent early in the crisis and provided well-sourced assessments.

Ever since I worked as a consultant years ago for the non-profit parent organization, Wikimedia Foundation, I’ve insisted to people that the volunteer community of editors does an amazing job of accurately portraying complex subjects like Covid.

This is further affirmation of that about one of the most controvetsial topics of our time.


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