Sunday, February 17, 2008

Where there's an absence of belief...(どこにあるの信念の欠如... )

A tragedy of monstrous proportions is becoming evident in our closest Asian ally nation, Japan, and it should resonate here in the land of guns, where alienated boys gun down as many of their contemporaries as possible before turning their death weapons on themselves.

These horrible slaughters continue to happen in school after school all over the U.S. Every single time, after the dead have been carried away, we are inundated with reports seeking to answer the question: "Why?"

In Japan, meanwhile, an unarmed nation, there are reportedly over one million young men known as hikikomori, who withdraw totally from society, never leaving their rooms in their parents' homes, and often turning violent, not against outsiders, but against their parents, the only people who care for them.

An extremely disturbing study of the hikikomori was published by an American writer in 2006.

If you read this book, you may get insights into our own troubled young killers that evades us here. After all, when a gun is readily available, all sorts of momentary errors may occur.

But in Japan, where these same types of tortured boys have no potent weapon available, their main violence is self-inflicted; and, as they deterioriate, turned onto those who love them -- their parents.

It's hard for an atheist to read this kind of book. For it remains true that humans yearn for meaning in our lives. Thus, we have created great religions. At their best, these schools of faith have helped us moderate our extremist impulses and find the peace we need to grow comfortable in our own skin, and shut out the violent impulses of a killer species.

Sadly, in our time, religious extremists are exploiting the unhappiness of youth to incite religious war all over the world.

But none of this means we cannot find a better way, perhaps a path based on belief, such as that inherent in the greatest song ever written from a life of sin, Amazing Grace.



これらの学校で起こる身の毛もよだつslaughters継続してオーバーした後、米国のすべての学校ごとに1つの時間は、死んだ後に行われて去っても、我々は殺到する質問に答えることを求める報告書: "なぜ? "

日本では、一方で、武器を持たない国では、若い男性と伝えやり直す1000000 hikikomoriとして知られ、社会から完全に撤退者は、決して自分の部屋に残し、親の家で、よくターニング暴力は、部外者に反対しないが、両親に反対は、人々の世話をするだけだ。



しかし、日本では、これらのどこにもない男の子と同じ種類の拷問を受けた利用できる強力な武器は、自分の主な暴力行為は、自分自身に課す;と、 deterioriateとして彼らは、人々の愛曲がってしています-両親です。





1 comment:

DanogramUSA said...


Our science is sorely lacking in human emotional disorders. There is so much conflicting information out there, it makes the mind hurt. I guess we know that there can be physiological as well as psychological ailments, and we've seen implication of mixtures. Theories abound as to why the apparent increases in incidence and severity of violence. I would guess that we will be many generations getting at some of the answers.

“Amazing Grace” is an excellent reference for those who would heed your advice. Especially adults, and most especially adults responsible for children. Growing up can be very difficult (I've been doing it for 60 years with only modest success – but I digress).

Rearing children to adulthood is an art form, but there's just one critical element involved; each child desperately needs the love of a parenting adult, continuously through all of those years of growing. Our culture seems hell-bent on keeping that from a lot of our kids. The “rules” have changed dramatically since the 60s.

Yet, there are many homes dealing with those challenges very well. As you've pointed to many times, a fundamental part of that parenting love is self sacrifice. Your kids see it and know it instinctively for what it is; they matter. Nothing else will ever do more for their self esteem, and that self esteem is the foundation of their armor for the perils of growing.

You are to be blessed for the work you've done with your kids (and I think you know you are).
