Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Fear-Mongering & Idiocy

The overweight middle-class SUV drivers who subscribe to voo-doo science (the Bible vs. evolution) don't know or care that they consume an unfair portion of the world's resources, or that they are therefore personally responsible for Third World poverty, finally got their moment tonight.

They got to cheer Rudy Giuliani, the godless, personally corrupt exploitative ex-mayor of New York (whom I like a lot) as he manipulated their self-satisfied desire to maintain their unfair lifestyle advantages and their a-historical fears of "terrorists."

People will vote for any fool out of fear.

People will also vote for a person who they think will maintain their privilege, whether they deserve it or not.

Therefore, Giuliani boosted McCain tonight. How sad. How irrelevant. Hopefully, Americans are bigger than this, or at least 51% of them are. But maybe not. Maybe this country is so selfish and ignorant and in such a state of denial that this kind of pandering will swing their votes.

Dear reader, if you are one of these, shame on you! Shame on your inability to cut through the crap. Have fun with your choice...a GOP ticket that will continue to lead us into unnecessary wars and economic ruin.

But do not complain to me four or eight years from now. I warned you.


1 comment:

DanogramUSA said...


I don't own an SUV. Some people tell me I look undernourished. With some embarrassment I admit that I am not very religious. But, just being an American of most modest means, I suppose I do enjoy greater material wealth than 95% of the planet's population.

But I warn you, I suffer upon myself no guilt for what I do have. Scratch my world to take from me that for which I have labored and I will suffer no fear upon myself to prevent a fight.

Your Crappy, Idiot Cousin