Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wonderful Speech/Quedstionable Speaker.1

(Note: this post has been revised.)

I'd give Sarah Palin an A+ on her performance tonight. She's a political superstar for the Right. Even if McCain loses this election, Democrats have to recognize that there is a new girl on the scene, and she's every bit as compelling as Barack Obama. Why? Because she never mentioned her obnoxious social views. She stuck to the main message of her party, which no one could disagree with...Cleaning up Washington.

Of course, she failed to mention it is the Republican Party which has soiled our government, wrecked our economy, and isolated this nation from its allies all around the world.

Palin's new. As she learns the ropes, and is she moderates her extreme positions on abortion, sex ed, Creationism, and other issues -- i.e., if she moves to the true middle of her own party -- some Americans other than the extremist base of the Republican Party just might vote for her, someday in the future.

The sad facts are her political positions frighten any reasonable person. She is exactly who she claims to be -- a small town gal -- with all of the ignorance, bias, and parochialism you would expect.

Obama will still beat McCain, as she is extremely unattractive to centrists, moderates and progressives. Her attacks on Obama are tasteless, standing in stark contrast to his unwillingness to criticize her at all.

That is the true test of character, and in that, Palin fails miserably. She's nothing but Karl Rove in high heels.


1 comment:

DanogramUSA said...

Sorry, David,

Paglia is right on; “Palin is tough as nails”.

You will never get to vote for her.