Monday, September 01, 2008

Why You Vet a Candidate -- First!

So now the Republican V-P candidate not only has a Down's Syndrome baby among her five kids, she has a husband who calls himself the "First Dude," and a 17-year-old unmarried daughter who is 5 months pregnant. The candidate also is under investigation for abuse of her authority as Governor of Alaska.

What else is going to come out about this woman? We know her husband has at least one DUI. We also know she only allowed the news of her daughter's pregnancy (which should trigger a huge scandal among conservative evangelicals) to come out due to rumors that her own Down's Syndrome baby was actually her daughter's.

Apparently, the timing in this case just barely clears the daughter of that pregnancy.

Who are these people? What kind of dysfunctional family is this. What kind of "family values" are on display here? McCain's questionable choice is not receiving as much scrutiny as it would have had today been the first full day of the GOP Convention events, which is what it was supposed to be.

Instead, Republicans are drawing a huge sigh of (temporary) relief that Gustav has (temporarily) pushed their party's news off the front page. The real reason the convention was postponed has less to do with the storm than with the mess that is turning out to be McCain's impulsive V-P selection.

Stay turned. This kind of political situation gets worse before it gets better. The national press corps hasn't even started digging into the Alaska Governor's past and present fully. My hunch? Palin will have to prematrely "withdraw," either before she's nominated, or (worse, for the GOP) afterward.

McCain will then get a second chance.

And the Democrats will have enough ammunition about his lack of judgment to carry them well into November.


1 comment:

DanogramUSA said...


Camille Paglia wrote:

“We may be seeing the first woman president. As a Democrat, I'm reeling. That was the best political speech I've ever seen by an American woman politician. Palin is tough as nails.”

In a very real sense, Governor Palin has been well vetted already. There's little doubt that some very powerful personalities have been targeting her in Alaska for 2 years now. Even a casual inquiry of Trooper Wooten's case reveals him to be a troubled individual, and I don't think that one is going anywhere either. If you are hoping for a major flaw in Sarah's background, you may be waiting a long, long time. In the mean time, throwing around the sort of stuff you've concerned yourself with tonight is very much like standing in quicksand and wiggling. She may not be a goddess, but for a whole bunch of Americans, men and most especially women, she is a breath of fresh air and has captured a bit of that Camelot sensation we felt as young teens in the short Kennedy era.

As you and I have agreed in the past, our government has been far too big, far too intrusive, for far too long, and worse, has been wasteful with the resources created by hard working Americans. The prospect of rooting out some of the worst players in and around the Washington establishment is compelling. Clearly, Sarah Palin has underscored McCain's determination to fight even his own party (he's angered a lot of Republicans over the years) to end pork barrel waste and bureaucratic abuse.

Laura Bush sounded a warning today to those who are “targeting” Governor Palin, and I think her words resonate strongly with many, many women, including those currently supporting Obama. Unless there is a Kwami Kilpatrick size skeleton discovered in her closet, slinging mud at Sarah Palin will excite sympathy for her and great anger toward those who are slinging.
