Saturday, September 12, 2009


Two things rarely happen in San Francisco.

It doesn't snow here and we don't get thunder storms.

If it snows, it will be on the night a special girlfriend tells you she is leaving you, even though she loves you.

I don't know what happens when a large lightning storm settles over the City; it's that rare. This tiny peninsula that stretches out into the mightiest ocean in earth, has a Mediterranean climate.

But for many hours now a massive storm system has been sitting high overhead, delivering a regular series of horizontal flashes and deep rumblings that make things fall over inside my flat.

A bit of rain has even fallen! It never rains this early in the wet season. Never!

This seems Biblical in proportions. Maybe the Giants really will make the most amazing comeback of all time and make the playoffs. Or maybe I'll actually get a real job -- or win the lottery. Maybe we'll get peace on earth or national health care reform. Maybe climate change will be reversed. Hell, this probably is climate change. Maybe the Bay Area is becoming the tropics.

Yikes, there is another flash. What an odd way to begin a weekend. I wonder if my daughter's soccer game wil be cancelled?


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