Friday, January 21, 2022

Memory Hole


The Post ran an article suggesting the past two pandemic years amount to a “memory hole” — that everything is blurring together for many of us and the pandemic seems to be “forever ending and always beginning.”

Truly life has felt suspended for many of us, and in many ways it is. We seem stuck on that day in March 2020 when most of the country — and the world — went into lockdown — a status previously reserved for those caught in a mass shooting episode while the gunman was being located by authorities.

But this time the assailant is an elusive virus that cannot ever really be captured or exterminated. It just rolls on and on through the unvaccinated among us, mutating and colonizing inside new bodies before continuing its relentless migration around the globe and back again.

On the other hand, my memory apparently is excellent, according to the judgement of others, but then again just the other day I was convinced it was February. — it took my digital devices to rid me of that notion.

Meanwhile, as we continue to wait for that possibly mythical moment when this pandemic will be behind us, the slow erosion to our political system continues, with new voting restrictions in many states, throwing the integrity of the 2022 and 2024 elections into doubt.

It doesn’t feel like only one year ago Biden that was sworn in, or since Amanda Gorman delivered her awesome poem. Her words still ring out: “But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated.”

I’d like to believe in Gorman’s positive vision. But it feels like many years since she said that. 

As for the pandemic, it definitely is still ending and beginning for me. Yesterday there were two more positive tests in my household, which means an extension of the lockdown and deepening of my isolation and depression.

As for that memory hole, you know what you can do with the past two years.


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