Sunday, October 16, 2022

Identity Through Time

 A recent article in the New Yorker asked the provocative question: “Are You the Same Person You Used to Be?” 

Without over-simplifying a complex discussion, I can say that the author alleges that most of us fall into one of two camps — those who remain more or less consistent throughout their lives (continuers) and those who seem to live life in stages, changing and adapting along the way (dividers).

Reading articles like this reminds me of taking those tests that supposedly help experts classify you as one of up to (if I’m remembering correctly) nine different personality types.

I’ll be blunt here: I think that nine-square matrix is nonsense, though I suppose it serves some useful purpose somewhere. But it’s an absurd over-simplification as far as I’m concerned. 

On the other hand, this two-type dichotomy feels more relevant. When I think about other people, some of those I’ve known for decades and decades do seem to have remained relatively unchanged over time, while others have most definitely undergone dramatic changes and evolved into rather different people than they were back in the day.

In my case, there are quite a few people who have known me for 50 years or longer, so I’ve gotten some relevant feedback on the matter, particularly from my professional colleagues and friends.

And quite a bit of it lately.

I’d have to say that the feedback has been decidedly mixed. Some tell me that I’ve changed dramatically; others see continuities that even I am unaware of. In any event, this all feels particularly salient since a group of producers in Hollywood is considering making a television series based on work I did in my 20s at Rolling Stone.

That is when I co-authored the Patty Hearst series. And it definitively changed my life. Reconstructing the choices and actions I made 50 years ago raises some questions I have a very hard time answering today:

Am I essentially the same person now who did that work back then? Would I do it all differently now? Do I have any regrets? Did that work change me somehow? Has my life been predictable or a series of stops and starts and left turns?

Stay tuned. After all, first we have to see whether that series even gets made. But either way, the questions will remain, won’t they, not just for me, but for all of us.


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