Sunday, January 28, 2024

Making America Dumb Again

 (Disclaimer: With what follows, I do not mean to imply any inadvertent disrespect to those who sincerely hold Donald Trump to be their preferred candidate for president of the U.S.)

If the average IQ of American adults is 97.43, as it is reported to be, one can only speculate what that number is for Trump’s most fervent supporters. While it is clear they are not the sharpest blades on the skating rink, they do stick by their man, you have to give them that.

Mind you, he is a convicted sexual predator, a liar, a cheat, a bully, a coward and a would-be dictator, but that only makes him more lovable in the eyes of the MAGA crowd.

I sometimes think Trump’s real goal is to make America dumb again — for the spelling impaired, that would be MADA.

His hardcore support is from people whose IQ makes the subzero temperatures of the upper Midwest seem warm by comparison. Normally, we would feel sorry for such people, but not when they hold the fate of our democracy in their grubby little hands.

The rest of us should be grateful that Nicki Haley is staying in the race for the Republican nomination, at least for now. She acts as a lightening rod for Trump’s anger-management problem. As long as she’s around, he’ll continue making a sexist fool of himself, turning off the moderate voters in swing states who could prove determinative come November.

There is an image of Trump I conjured recently that I can’t get out of my mind. It’s of him as a bloated King Kong, hanging onto the tip of the Empire State Building, swatting away uselessly at the various lawsuits swirling around him.

It’s to be death by a thousand cuts, apparently. $83.3 million to this victim of his sexual assault, loss of his business license in that one, who knows what penalties will be forthcoming in the federal court cases or perhaps in Georgia.

When he finally splatters to the earth on West 34th Street, his supporters will no doubt persist in their praise of their monster. Then, and only then, can the rest of us breathe a sign of relief.


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