Wednesday, May 29, 2024

12 People

As Trump’s interminable election interference (AKA “hush money”) case finally wraps up and goes to the jury this morning, I never thought I would say this, but I’m not sure the verdict will really matter.

Trump’s supporters will never accept a conviction as valid. Trump’s detractors are not likely to accept an acquittal as valid. A mixed verdict would be like a tie in sports, and a hung jury would satisfy no one.

While the legal issue revolves around the falsification of business records to conceal hush money payments to a porn star to prevent that from affecting the 2016 election — which almost certainly happened — the jury will have to sort through a mind-numbing amount of detail to make its determination.

Either way, given what a polarizing figure Trump is, they’re damned if they do convict, damned if they don’t.

As with everything Trump, this legal controversy is just one more way that his actions are wrecking our country and undermining our criminal justice system.


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