Sunday, May 26, 2024

Early on the Mountain

From a cool misty morning through a warm sunny afternoon here on the mountain, I took a break from the news cycle. Instead, I helped co-author a book with my youngest granddaughter, who is five.

This story contained the usual main character (her), and was to be formatted on tiny one-inch square pages.

There was not a lot of room for the written word part, which is my specialty.

There was room, however, for many stickers of marshmallows, cakes and hearts. The name of the village was going to be Marshmallow Village but in a change of heart it became Food Village, when she realized she had a lot of different kinds of food in her sticker collection.

There also were flip pages, i.e. a sticker trimmed to fit on a small paper square taped on one side into our book, so that it could be lifted up. In this way, a picture of say a marshmallow could be lifted up to reveal a heart.

As I said, there wasn’t much room for words, let alone sentences so I eventually suggested maybe it could be an audio book as well, with her supplying the audio. This way, the story could grow over time until it becomes a tall tale.

In my experience most stories grow into tall tales, anyway, regardless of whether they were true or not to begin with. Anyway, my granddaughter will determine all that.

When we were finished she placed it in her”book drawer” in her desk.

So far it’s the only book in there. Then again, she’s five,

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