Sunday, October 29, 2006

Goodbye, Steve

Word of yet another friend's recent death reached me yesterday. His name is Steve Byrne. He was an incredibly gentle soul, always smiling, and a man who beat the odds for years after he became HIV-positive. He and his partner, Bill Hayes, formed one of the nicest, most loving couples I have had the privilege to know. Steve died suddenly recently of heart failure.

Below is a link to his partner

Bill's work

I found out that Steve had died from my ex-wife Connie. We used to host Christmas dinners at our house on Elsie Street. A group of special friends came, sometimes including Bill and Steve. One year, Steve was so ill that they did not come, and we all dreaded that this might be Steve's last Christmas on earth.

But, advances in medicines were just then arriving for HIV-positive people, and the next Christmas, Steve was back, healthy and happy and loving -- as he always wanted to be.

That particular year, I remember wondering about the idea of a God. Somehow, this beautiful man, so sweet and caring, had been spared almost certain death, and was back among us, creating books and other pieces of art that, had he died, would never have come into being.

But, there he was, alive, vital, engaged, and loving.

That he now has died is a sad moment for all of us. We need the Steve Byrnes of this world much more than the tough guys, the ones who make war instead of love.

Tonight, I honor the memory of my friend Steve, and his wonderful partner Bill. We are blessed to have Bill still here among us, with his writing talent, his smile, and his kindness.


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