Friday, August 10, 2007

Back in the U.S.S.A.*

Do you want to know what the American public think of media and why? Stay tuned.

Well, it may not be my favorite country, but it's the only one I (currently) hold a passport from. I've been told I might qualify for a second passport (European) due to my mother's having been born in Scotland. Doees anyone know whether that's true?

The reminders of Nice include sand and beach detritis of the sorts I collect.

Our backyard continues to yield colors and tastes that enliven our kitchen table. Here's a salad de la Mision, for example. Yummy and spicy.

Little James graced our flat for a day before returning home northward. He's getting ready to crawl.

He's a happy guy much of the time.

He loves to cuddle with his Mom, who was always a big cuddler herself as a little child. Both of them are sweet beyond words.

In other news, I have been told that I've developed a new habit -- speaking in complete sentences in French while asleep. This is curious because I don't speak any French beyond the occasional badly fractured phrase or greeting.

Amazing, isn't it, what our unconscious brains can do? On the other hand, my informant does not speak French, either, so what sounds like French to her may in fact be jibberish. Her own English is improving, which is impressive, given that Japanese and English simply do not translaate effectively at all. Following one of her interests, she's been watching Spike Lee's documentaries on Hurricane Katrina's devastation.

Last night, she asked me about the "leaves" that broke in New Orleans.


A: Poll .

* or, as they say in Boston, Back in the U.S.S.R.


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