Thursday, April 17, 2008


I was right! Google waited until after the stock markets closed to announce that its Q-1 earnings had beaten everyone's expectation (except mine, apparently.) If you read my piece this morning and acted on it, you've made 17% profit in one day ($76 per share).

The key, as I had anticipated, was Google's strong international search ad revenue; overseas business accounted for over half of Google's entire corporate revenue for the first time ever.

So, let's just turn back the clock to my previous post eight hours ago. Say a bunch of us had pooled resources and taken a shot at making money today. Say we'd managed to buy 100 shares of Google at its day price; tonight we'd have harvested $7600 in profit!

Don't try this at home, kids. I've been wrong more often than right. But this time, because I've been covering Google's overseas investments, I sensed that the Mountainview-based giant had its bets covered.

Smart people, those Google execs.


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