Wednesday, August 20, 2008

V-P Update

I see as of this morning, Obama has not yet announced his choice. It occurred to me, at 5 a.m., that if his camp really has a surprise pick, it would be Colin Powell. Imagine that! The first all African-American ticket; a cross party ticket; and one of the most respected foreign policy experts on the ticket.

In order to compete, McCain would have to choose Lieberman. This may actually be Obama's big surprise. Maybe McCain suspects it, and therefore is floating his own radical options as a result.

It's like the cat and mouse game opposing managers play when one puts a left-handed batter in the on deck circle. The other brings in a left-handed pitcher. The first guy pulls back his lefty and sends out a right-handed hitter.

The Republican and Democratic parties are jockeying for advantage in just this fashion.

In other Powell, no Lieberman.


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