Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pawn Shop

I don't think I ever visited a pawn shop except in late 1971, after my van with the sign "Ft. Myers, FL" on the side, was broken into and most of the artifacts my wife and I had brought back from our years as Peace Corps volunteers in Afghanistan were stolen.

In the days following that event, I roamed through nearby pawn shops -- in those days there were plenty on Fillmore Street -- but I never found any of our treasures.

Lately, one of my kids has discovered the pawn shops on Mission Street, near here. Today, he and I walked up there and looked around. What were on display were mainly guitars, lots of guitars, knives, and jewelry. There were some watches (who buys watches anymore?), some silver coins (dollars like some I have go for $35!), harmonicas, swords, and tools.

But that was about it.

As we walked away from the shop, my son said, "I like that stuff and if I ever want to buy an electric guitar, I will go back, but the bad thing about it is you know someone hit hard times to have sold their stuff there."

Good point.


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