Monday, December 30, 2019

Epiphanies Converge

In this excellent program at Linda Mar, I am seeing parallels between diet, exercise, mental heath, diversity, genetic testing and other technological opportunities. This also potentially adds up to a better chance to reduce the ravages of climate change.

That's because we need to address all those other fields in order to collectively as humans save an habitable planet.

It starts with each individual and their goals. For me, having grown from 140 to 156 pounds is on course to make 170 over the next 6-7 weeks.

The muscle content of that weight is also critical.

Most of my new ideas are at the early stages. Specialists already know so much more than the general  public that it is a major opportunity to close that gap -- quickly. It is necessary we do so.

For example, genetic testing of a young child showing signs of Autism can help that child through a change of diet!


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